Support A Classroom

Support an ACHS classroom.
Build a future.

Teachers at ACHS need your help to bring their classroom dreams to life. Choose a project that inspires you and give any amount. DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need.

About DonorsChoose...

To ensure integrity, DonorsChoose is there through every step of every project.
They vet all requests, purchase each item, and ship materials directly to verified schools.

You Find a Project
Find a classroom project that inspires you and give as little as $1. DonorsChoose is a public charity, so your donation is tax-deductible.
DonorsChoose Fulfills the Order
When a project is fully funded, DonorsChoose purchases all the requested items and ship them directly to the school.
Teachers Thank You
Every donor gets a thank-you letter from the teacher, photos from the classroom, and a report of how each dollar was spent.

How Do I Support an ACHS Teacher?