The Adolfo Camarillo High School PTSA is comprised of parents, students, teachers, staff & community members. We would love for you to join us at our monthly meetings. We meet every second Tuesday at 6:30pm in our school library.
Meeting Schedule for 2024

Executive Board
President: Ingrid Anthony-Fausset
Executive Vice President: Kimberly Castro
1st VP, Programs: Robin Stegman
2nd VP, Fundraising: Amber Johnson
Secretary: Katie Norton
Treasurer: Hannah Foote
Financial Reviewer: Terrie Jenkins
Historian: Patty Donovan
Parliamentarian: Linda Valdez
Committees Reporting to President
Scholarships: Patty Donovan
Scorpion Connect (Back-to-School Night, Scorpion Showcase): OPEN
Committees Reporting to EVP
Membership: Kimberly Castro
Membership (Monies): Hannah Foote
Social Media & Website: Robin Stegman
Committees Reporting to 1st VP
After Prom Chair: Monica James
College & Career: Jing Chen & Robin Stegman
Honorary Service Awards: Patty Donovan
Hospitality: Robin Stegman
Reflections: Hannah Foote
Scorpion Community: OPEN
Committees Reporting to 2nd VP
Flocking: Hannah Foote
Fundraising: Amber Johnson
Blue Crew
Principal: Matt La Belle
Assistant Principal: Ryan Pariso
Assistant Principal: Aaron Peck
Assistant Principal: Dr. Jennifer Urie
PTSA Advisor: Ryan Pariso
PTSA Teacher Rep: Colleen Colborn
PTSA Student Rep: Elle Jones
Admin Secretary: Martha Valles
ASB Advisor: Lori Pristera
Athletic Director: Mary Perez
Librarian: Heidi Resnik
Health Officre: Mary Harris
College & Career Center: Theresa Morales
Athletic Booster Liaison: Katie Norton
Music Booster Liaison: OPEN
ACHS Historian/Inspiration: Linda Valdez